Monday, August 27, 2018

Hoffman #3

Question 4.

"If you are told a man is sitting in a chair, how much is your curiosity aroused?'

I'm a little curious. I'll keep reading.

"He gets up and walks to the window."

Still a little curious.

"He runs to the window"

Actually less curious.

"He does so because smoke is pouring up past it."

More curious but also more jaded. This may be interested but it also may be boring.

"He sits in a chair, reading a book, with his back to the window."


"He does so while smoke pours up past the window."

Very interested.

We like to see action and if I were writing action I would have him run to the window. But if I want to generate tension having him sit with his back to the window is an effective way to do that.

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